GLC Illustrious Proving Grounds
GLC Illustrious is a gliding club in the south of The Netherlands. With about 150 members, 10 club gliders, 2x 6 drum MEL winches, and a Super Dimona as a towplane.
We offer all SPL Training programs. We mainly fly on the weekend due to airport restrictions and have a wish to turn more glider pilots into soaring or aerobatic pilots.
We hope Proving Grounds will help boost the first!

GLC Illustrious Task Sheet (Sept 2020)
1 Comment
Frank Schellenberg
Though our X-country season is over I hope SoaringTasks will boost our x-contry excitement for 2021. We have enough preparation time now to prepare one of the 3 tasks! Make sure all our LXnav flight computers are udated with tehe tasks set and right cup file.