Canada, Club Instances
Saskatoon Soaring Club Proving Grounds
The Saskatoon Soaring Club is conveniently located 50 minutes North East of Saskatoon in the Town of Cudworth. Based out of its Municipal Airport we are the operator of the facilities and its three grass strips, allowing us to fly most of the time. The Club’s fleet consists of a Super Blanik L-23, L-33, 1-26, and an Open Cirrus to cater to everyone’s niche. We normally aerotow with our trusty Cessna 150/150, and we also own a winch that we use on occasion upon popular demand.
When we are not flying, we are mowing or having a good time in our ‘party bus’ we use as a mobile clubhouse. Cudworth is gorgeous Prairie country surrounded by abundant farming fields and bodies of water, making for highly variable and unpredictable conditions, keeping pilots guessing how to best use the energy available in the atmosphere. No ‘home thermals’ here. The months of May and June come with bare fields and great opportunities for long and high flights, while the summer turns the landscape yellow and green just like our Provincial flag.
Saskatoon Soaring is lucky to share the airspace with the Prince Albert Gliding and Soaring Club based North in Birch Hills, providing the benefit of outlanding airports in case XC pilots run out of glider fuel on the vicinities of each other. Luckily, Saskatchewan is very flat and outlandings are very safe.
To make things better, the Town of Cudworth is a beautiful well-serviced community, with a public swimming pool, water-front camping, golf course, museum, vintage train excursions, grocery shopping, restaurants, and the local watering hole.
We invite everyone to come visit, bring your plane or fly in one of ours and take a stroll through the ‘Land of the Living Skies’!

SSC Proving Ground Task Sheet (March 2020)